Saturday, August 29, 2009

Today is the PB farewell.
I really suck at farewells, because I always cry.
Our drama could have gone better, but aiya,
happy tiok ho. *hua hee tiok ho*
No pics, cause I didnt bring my cam,
I didn't wanna hold my phone cause they were splashing water everywhere.
I like the station games. It's so much better than the TC one.
You can see the difference laa, when you see who led the preparation.
In my opinion the best of the 3 activities is this farewell.
Damn high, and somemore I cried in the end.
Keep up the good work! =)

Thanks for the memories. =)

Thursday, August 27, 2009

I saw a quote in someone's blog.
"When you fish for love,
don't bait with your brain,
bait with your heart."

Then I go thinking, 'If you can't get your fish, you lose your bait.'

I can see the balloon go 'POP!'

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Dug this two pictures up from the PC just now. It's amazing how kids grow. =)

'NO!!! Don't jump!!!'

I like this. She could be a model.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Be like a duck;
Above the water look calm and unruffled,
Below the water paddle like hell!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

It's like this blogging wave just come and go.
When I do have time to update, I get somewhat addicted.
Then exams come, and I neglect my blog, and start to feel too lasy to update.
Sighs. But still, I AM HERE. Wahahaha!
Exams are over. And I'm finally sleeping enough.
My eyes are still in a critical panda condition, but there's time for recovery.
I wanna... needa...
It's the Mega Malaysian Sale!
I have waited and waited, patiently, for the exams to end.
You see, mua, have been saving for a long long long time now.
And I think I deserve a treat.
[here comes the big but(t)]
RY is sick. Awww.
And shopping alone doesn't seem much fun.
So I'm gonna use the first few days to read for free in Borders first.
And maybe chio a bit in Coffee Bean with the new notebook.
Happy Hols, baybeh.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

I stare into the mirror,
That girl stared back at I.
I know,
I cannot hate; I cannot lie.
I cannot fear; I cannot cry.
And yet,
a single tear,
Fell down from her eye.

I wanna cry.
Please, just let me.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

I've given you chances, lots of chances.
Please, please just stop making my life miserable.
If I've said it once, I've said it twice.
(I've said it four times, actually)
I'm not your girlfriend, and I don't wanna be.
What's wrong with me being around boys?!
I'm not even doing anything I shouldn't.
I'm making friends, that's what I'm doing.
You wanna control who I bond with, too?
I don't have to, I don't want to give you reports of what I'm doing.
I don't have to tell you when I'm eating,
when I'm doing my homework,
When I'm shitting.
I'm happy with my life as it is.
Stop suiting yourself in my life so comfortably.
You think you know me; well you don't.
Please, just stop.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

I watched 'Bend it like Beckham' with my bro just now.
I really like the movie, but there's just something.
You know, when I normally watch chic-flicks
I'll always be waiting for the parts where the male lead appears.
But there was something weird about this particular male lead.
Towards the end I realized the guy looked so much like Chris.
Check it out.It freaked me out like hell.
And the creepy thing is... ...
Jonathan Rhys Meyers' character is a ... ...
... ...[wait for it]... ...
A girls team coach.
I know, right?
To top it up, our(me and Chris) relationship* is kinda awkward right now.

*relationship not as in girlfriend-boyfriend relationship. It's just kinda more than friends but not really there yet. So it's awkward.

I am currently feeling freaked out and disturbed.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

It's my dear bro's PROM night yesterday.
I know, hurry up and SCREAM!!!
Sighs, I know there won't be any picts to display, knowing him.
But, still, it's prom.
I'm gonna ask if he got laid.

Friday, June 12, 2009

TC was fun, in overall.
I liked the last day, hand ball match with juniors.
But WTF?!
Play fair kay.
It's a friendly match.
We've tolerate enough.
Just you wait.

Owh, one good thing happen, at the very least.
I'm 'promoted' to fully senior.
Finally got my batch and nametag today at the closing ceremony of TC.
I AM actually happy, but I'm not sure I really should be.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Went to the beach with my darliesss.
Ish, I wasted money on taxi.
Originally, the fare to B.Ferringhi was RM28.
I argued so we can go for RM25.
But then on the taxi we decided to get down at paradise hotel.
That, wasn't B.Ferringhi.
CS says just give him RM15.
But stupid me gave him 20.
I realized we can go out spending less money if we went to the beach.
The whole journey was less than RM20/person.
Cheap, I know.
I'm dead beat.
Nights all.

Friday, May 29, 2009

What the FUCK.
(Notice I'm actually using the real word. Which means I'm seriously pissed off.)
I'm supposed to be in Dewan Sri now.
Watching a world-Class drama.
By korean breakdancers.
Eadid said he could get half-prized tickets.
But somehow, dear old mum fucked the whole thing up.
Don't remind me.
Exams are over!!!
I mean actually over.
Starting this year I didnt really like fridays.
Especially the fridays when exams end.
All my friends will be hanging out in malls and whatever
But mua still have to go for marching until 4pm.
Today is the worst.
Coz JiaWei wants a called for a meeting until 5pm.
*swear words here.*
F lah him.
He still acts like he's so hebat.
Acting like he's doing all his jobs well.
Acting like all of us have wronged him.
By the time I'm home it's already 5.30pm
And I have to leave for tuition at 7pm.

Fridays are so... ... ... tiring.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Had a Mother's Day celebration on May the 10th. Sorry for the late update. Let da pictures talk.

Group Pic #1

Group Pic #2

Group Pic #3

And just so you guys don't forget how pretty I am...

PS: Love the bracelet.

What an effing day.
It was effing good and also effing bad.
I'll explain.

Why today is a effing good day:
  • It wasn't hot today. -I've been sweating a lot recently. Of course, it may be due to me listening to too many jokes. I've been waking up in sweat for 2 days running. Too damn hot. I gotta do something against global warming 1 day. (The air-cond is on while I'm typing this.)
  • A lot of people is making an effort to make me laugh. -Hmm. Maybe I'm looking too emo. I was teased, but in a good way. People are so cute.
  • I'm too damn 'yeng' today. -It's civics exam today. (Don't ask me why. I don't even know why we fecking take the subject.) Anyways, it was a 1 hour exam. I finished in 15 mins, slept for 45 mins, woke up, and passed up my paper. I'm too damn yeng. (PS: RY, yeng-ness doesn't show in pictures. It shows in actions. XP)
  • Planned a trip with CS. -We're planning to go to the beach, then eat, and then take a stroll down Upper Penang Road. And the best part is that RY said maybe she can make it.
  • Had an enjoyable conversation with Saggy. -=) You guys don't need to know. Bottom line: I hate people who is good in Physics and Chemistry.

Why today is a effing bad day.
  • The condo upstairs is renovating. -It's so damn noisy! I can't sleep, I can't watch TV, I can't talk, I can't hear people talking, and I can't even read in peace. Yes, thank goodness I have my iPod. But I can only listen to rock, heavy metal, noisy music. I don't fancy Bach with background bass. I'm feeling so frustrated, all the time.
  • I can't sleep!! Again!! -I'm used to having a nap now. But my sleep timetable has turned upside-down due to exams. Now, I get very sleepy in the mornings, at around 8-9am. Very, very tired in the afternoons. Drifting around in the evenings. And at night, my eyes get very tired but I just can't fall asleep! The best sleeping time is at 8-10am in school. Hopefully there's an easy subject going on so I can doze off quickly. XP
  • He didn't message me today. -Nothing to say here.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Newest update! (At presisely 7.53pm)
As I said, exams are officially over for me.
So i watched a bit of Chick VS. Dick.
It was an old episode.
'The Impersonating Challenge'
Micheal Jackson.
Chun Li from Street Fighter.
etc. ect. etc.

Then, when I was at a part where Kay Kay was asked to
impersonate the long haired ghost that scares people by
climbing out of televisions, I was like:


And I closed the whole goddamn window.
I know, I know, I'm so softcore right.
Ask me what time I slept yesterday.
Now ask me what time I woke up today.
Ask me how many cups of coffe I had yesterday night.
Now ask me how many I had this morning.

That's what I've been asking everyone I see today.
Hey! Don't blame me!
I'm so cracked up on caffaine.
Ding! Ding! Ding!
CS got all da answers correct!!!

I so don't care waht other people say.
Exams are officially over for me.
(Smile here.)
(BIG smile here.)

I'm starting all over again.
Why do I always fall into your heart?

Monday, May 25, 2009

Remember the post in which I said: I effing hate exams.
Remember that?
Yea, well, I'ma post another similar one.


Friday, May 22, 2009

I just effing cut him outta my life.
And i'm not feeling guilty.

Seriously, you don't deserve me.
Feck out of my life and never come back.
You're not even brave enough.
Fecking coward.
Am effing pissed off about you.

Nah, little pinky*
Pinky is da new middle.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

(Exams are here. Sobs*)

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

He is SO emo these days!
I'm starting to get a little annoyed.
And the worst thing is,
When he's emo, he expects me to cheer him up.
What are you, The Royal Highness?
The thing is, (*Drum rolls)
I'm happy coz Heng Ee beat Han Chiang is the drama comp!!!
And these few days I just can't help smiling!
We won!!!

Happy people and emo-ish peopple don't mix.
When I'm feeling all happy and high,
He'll send me an emo message.
And that'll either bring me down to planet earth,
Or sometimes I'll just ignore him and continue being happy.
That will result in him sending an even more emo message.

Seriously. Happy people and emo-ish peopple don't mix.
It's like mixing meat in salads.
You know in some restaurants they have chicken salads.
I just don't geddit.
You eat salads because salads are low in fat and calories.
But it still fills up your somach.
So why the heck put chicken in it?!
The whole point of salads is that...
There's no meat in it!!!
(which means there're no fat in it)
I know they probably put lean meat in salads.
But, lean meat is still meat!!

That's why happy people and emo people don't mix.
Just like salads and chicken don't mix.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

WE WON!!!!!
WE WON!!!!!
WE WON!!!!!

And the best thing is,

Hmm, I'm still a little bit fed-up we hadn't got the best-lighting effects prize.
But I'm still HAPPY!!!
Coz we WON!!!
We won!!
We won!!
Sheez. I'm on a high.

Drama rocks like hell.

Friday, April 10, 2009

OMG. Blogging is dangerous.
I highly advise everyone to stop or set your blog to private status.
JL just kena. Sabotaging the school.
And he will be kicked outta the school.
I know, it's not supposed to be that serious.
But then there are politics involved.
No-one wants trouble.
Leave us alone and we'll leave you alone.
You pot any of us kua?!

We're not offending you, yet.
We say what we like, as long as it doesnt hurt anyone.
It's not like you can tape-record it right?
We don't backstab people(unlike you)
If we ever find evidence that prove 100% it's you.
[Horror pic]
(Ok, I was really gonna put a horror pic here.but I googled 'horror pics' and the disgusting pics that came out made me sick)


Heh, I'm evil.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Am just back from our school's chinese orchestra concert.
In which, mua is da emcee.
Someone said I'm gorgeous.
Aww, sweet.
Met CS, she passed me my undies.
She bought them for me, ain't she sweet?
Pink with lil' white hearts.
The world is suddenly made of candies and rainbows and flowers and all the sweet things you can ever imagine. lol

Hmm, CS says I'm falling in love.
I said no I'm not.
She says OK fine. You're falling in like.
I'm like '...'

But you can smile.

I like you, I like you not.
I like you, I like you not.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

PB picnic

Picnic!! I was quite excited at first, but it turned out OK nia. I've played every single game before. But OK laa, not bad what, got high tiok. There were several malay kids there, walau eh! No manners. Bo akai. Point middle finger at us. Ma niang, nah. *mid finger*. You have i don't have merr?! (Ok, fine. I really don't have.)

I was feeling rather pekchek towards the end. We have to queue up in this very small and yucky and smelly toilet to bath. I was already fishing frustrated at this, and d'you know what I heard? I heard MKY says she needs 1 hour to bath!! AND she was standing in front of me! OMG. This girl is such a diva.

I fell asleep straight away on the bus cuz I was too tired, and That means I didn't call dad. So I have to wait for more than an hour. Ish...

**Tony Leung in Red Cliff suddenly looks so. much. COOLER.

Friday, March 13, 2009


That's how I'd normally feel,but idk why I don't really have the 'after-exam-mood'.
No mood...
No mood...
No mood...
No mood...
No mood...
No mood...

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Exams attack!

Remembered this poem i wrote in Form 1:

The school exam is coming up,
And I haven't studied a single thing.
Oh, don't you point that finger at me,
It's not my fault as you can see.
Even before I touch the book,
I felt my head begin to droop.
Every page that I have read,
Seemed to have rushed out of my head.
Each and every word and letter,
Have never made my grades any better.
So what's the point, may I ask,
To have to study so f-cking hard?

I know, I'm a genius right?

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Tick -Tock

Tick-tock, tick-tock. Two months has passed. So far, so good.
I'll keep on threading, carefully now.

Time goes by so slowly for those who wait...

Sunday, February 22, 2009


Chris is on MSN! haven't talked to him in a while. I told him I was getting quite used to prefect's life, and then he turned cold. He said I used to stand up and fight for everything i want. He said I've changed. WTF? What Im doing now is getting used to prefect's life.I'm just trying to make my life more livable. What's wrong with that? That doesnt mean I'm becoming one of them. There's suddenly this huge gap between us. What's wrong with you?

Damn dissapointed.
Choc helps.

Saturday, February 14, 2009


It seems almost weird to say that I've given him up. I mean, heck, I've been trying like what before, and I just can't do it. And this time, I'm not even trying. (On Valentine's, too.) I was looking at all our pictures -- OK, fine. -- his pictures, and I suddenly came to my senses, and I deleted them. And I don't feel nothing. >=)

I waited one whole day for a certain message today. It didn't come. Check phone : no messages. Check phone again : Still no messages. Was dead dissapointed.

P/S : Thanks honeys and darlings. You have a happy Valentine's too. xoxo

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Was dutying at 1G, and the students so sipek guai, so me, Kenny, Weng Seng, Kah Wei,Sang Wei and Nigel talked talked talked talked talked talked... ...

All : *Dirty things dirty things dirty things dirty things dirty things dirty things... ...*
Me : Weyy, I'm a girl kay?
Kah Wei : You know what we're talking about mer?
Kenny : You're so 'siwen bai lei', sure dunno lar.
Kah Wei : Know also don't dare say lar.
Me : Fuck you.
All : *Speechless*
Me : >=)

My focking God, they seriously think all girls are saints or something.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Broke-up with CL. At first I was shit worried that he might cry or whatever, but then there was no effect whatsoever. Then there was marching practise later at 3pm. So I lingered in Prefects Room for a bit. They were all talking and joking around and playing. It was kinda fun. Marching was surprisingly not bad too. I'm under Kenny, which meant good news. He never quite dared to bully me, I bully him. You should have heard him during practise. "Jia Ying, okay or not?" "Jia Ying, you need to rest?" Anyways, I totally forgot about CL and all that. ish, felt a bit guilty that I seriously don't feel a thing. Serves him right. Hmph. But I'm gonna feel a bit awkward in class.

On the other hand, I'm a bit slow on my homework pile. I tend to leave unfinished homework to the next day. I wake up earlier and complete them, I do them in classes, I take them to tuition and finish them. This results in me feeling really sleepy in class, and this results in me pinching my hand not to fall asleep. The pinch marks are visible all over my left hand now. Someone thought I kena 'deraan fisikal'. Cute.

I'm getting really sick and tired of everyone. No one seem to be giving me a break. Mum is nagging me almost on everything and everywhere now. And they've hide my phone in the car to prevent me using it. I'm not able to take it out in my blog because I don't really have the time. I falling behind in classes, I don't really understand most of what they're saying. And to top it all up, I heard someone say the other day: 'Nah, this prefect lo, can bully one, never mind.' Fock. What was that?! Nah, mid finger lah. The only time I get to enjoy now are a few stolen moments in the bathroom listening to my audio book, during mealtimes when mum's mouth is full so that she can't talk, in class where I have a few seconds of talk with CS, or in the prefect's room after school, where someone might come and make me laugh. I easily the noisiest prefect, (they're so guai), so now I'm quite popular. See? I'm so adorable. *laughs*

'Life goes on.'

Sunday, February 8, 2009


I've just heard (Well, okay, read) this exellent verse from CS's blog.

"I wish I was born with millions of middle fingers.
However, God just gave me two."

You are so becoming my hero.


Was an afternoon too bared so I surfed the net and I found... ...

Japanese shit

I was freaked out like shit.
What the fock was that?!

These is seriously something shit-wrong with Japanese.

Saturday, February 7, 2009


I'm feeling so soft and mushy now. He's been(Awww...) so nice to me, I feel so sorry to disappoint him. He wants a kisssss. So sweet!!! AND he's so flirty!!! Grrr... Gimme back my phone. Throughout the day he's been hinting me, wanting me to go places with him alone. Ish, I'm clever enough to always bring someone along.

And what about you? Thanks for helping me out in all the tight spots. And always finding time to talk to me. Awww... He knows I don't like marching, but he's trying to persuade me otherwise. One thing I know is you'll never really quite be angry whatever I do. He rarely smiles, but when he does, he's soooo CUTE!!!

The advantages of being in a co-ed school.

What?! Another one?! I don't mind, keep'em coming...

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Tagged by Joellaaaaa...

Joella tagged me and hinted I wouldn't post back, soooo....

1. Does it matter to you if your boyfriend or girlfriend smokes?
2. How about drinking?
I suppose I don't mind, as I like drinking myself. Just don't come home drunk every night. (Unless it's with me!)
3. Do you like someone you can't have?
Everyone does.
4. If someone liked you right now, would you want them to tell you?
Depends on who it is, I suppose.
5. What's your favourite sport?
6. It's Saturday night, you're home alone... what do you do?
Dance naked in front of the living hall mirror.
7. Do you like roller coasters?
Not extreme ones.
8. When is the perfect time to have a bf/gf?
9. If you could date any celebrity, who would it be?
I wouldn't want to, but since you asked, Kim Jeong Hoon!
10. What are you doing this weekend?
Preparing for a performance in an Old Folk's Home.
11. What is your favourite restaurant?
Coffee Bean.(Does it count as a restaurant?)
12. Have you ever hugged someone?
Erm, yes, lots of people.
13. Ever kissed someone you weren't attracted to?
14. Do you like anyone right now?
15. What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
His eyes.
16. Which do you prefer, Beach or Mountains?
17. What kind of phone do you have?
A flip phone...
18. Computer or Laptop?
19. Jeans or Sweats?
20. Which year(s) has/have been the best so far?
21. How old are you gonna be on your next birthday?
22. What should you be doing right now?
23. What is your favourite TV show?
One Million Stars.
24. What's been your last purchase?
Canteen food in school.
(Definately not worth the money)
25. Are you attracted to girls/boys that smoke?
26. Have you ever fallen on your butt in front of a crowd of people?
Erm, yes. The day I got distinction for my ICAS English…
27. What do you do when you're at home?
Listen to my i-Pod.
28. What is your favourite subject?
29. What's the best thing that happened to you?
"I wanna thank my Mum and Dad for giving birth to me..."
30. 8 person to tag:
Ruo Yun
Chiu Sien
Ruo Yun
Chiu Sien
Ruo Yun
Chiu Sien

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

When I'm 18...

Here are a list of things I'll definitely do once I turn 18; Mum just gave me a nagging and I'm pretty fed-up with it.

List of things I'll do once I turn 18:

Hey, flirting doesn't necessarily mean jumping in bed with a guy. I've seen in movies of pretty girls just batting their eyelashes at a guy then walk away. That's pretty cool.

~Go clubbing
Seriously, this is a must do. Maybe I'll go on my birthday, with a bunch of friends, of course.

This is a combination with the above. Not shandy or beer; I've had those. Drink as in drink Bloody Mary and Tequila and Sex on the Beach and Whisky and Dry Martini and Gin and Tonic and Brandy with Coke and Butter Scotch and Vodka and Rum and My Fair lady and Gin Fizz and Blue Hawaii and... ... ... ...

Then I can go anywhere I want without mum asking me where I'm going, what time I'll be back and who I'm with.

~Go sun-bathing in a bikini
Yeah... ... Well, I do have 1 now, (RY gave me yesterday in tuition), but i doubt I'll be wearing it.

~Buy a new phone with a new SIM card
Mum just nagged the shit outta me because my phone bill is a lil' outta budget. And when I said this wouldn't have happened if she would just let me use a prepaid line... ... Well, I think you get the point.

And of course... ...

~Watch a PG18/PL18/SX18 movie in a cinema
Do I have to say anymore?

*P/S: I'm tempted to say move out of the house, but Dad has been reasonably nice to me these few weeks, so I'll hold my tongue and see how it goes.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Seriously, I'm so pissed off now. I've specificly ask my brother to wait for me if he's gonna watch 'Run, Fat Boy, Run'. I have just walked into his room, and found him halfway through the movie already.

I'm feeling so dark and twisted; I hate everyone.

Gamble Addict

I seem to understand why some people like gambling so much. It's so easy to get addicted to. CNY is here again and every year we go to our grandmother's house to -- gamble. In my opinion, I seem to be a bit extreme this year, compared to the rest of course, because I'm now a bit addicted. Yesterday I took out around RM2.40 to gamble. We played chor tai di first, and I only won 3 times. (It's not that I'm bad, I just got really terrible cards. Honest!) But at the third win, I won really quick and they all had to pay me back double, and I actually won up to RM4-something. We stopped there to help Ahma out a bit, stamping cans flat.(It's actually a great way to practise stepping.) But then my cousin brother introduce a new game, Polish, and I, well, got addicted to it. By the end of the day, I'm left with ------- 30 cents. Thank goodness we're gambling only by cents. I'm going to my grandma's house again later, and I'm definately going to gamble again. But I swear to myself this habit stays in the festive seasons only. =)

Monday, January 26, 2009


Yay! First day of CNY! Wanna know why I'm so excited? Because I'm low on budget. And CNY means ---- MONEY!!! So, Yay!

Morning is just like how we do it every year. Wake up early, clean up, wear pretty clothes, have breakfast, collect ang pow from Papa and Mummy, then wait for the rest of the family to arrive. They are seriously late this year, they said they'll be here by 9 o'clock, it was already 11 when they got here. But then again, when have they ever been on time? By noon, I have a fresh and crisp RM440. That cheers me up, alot. Then off we went to Ah zhor's place. They've actually moved to a flat, so it wasn't that hot anymore.(They use to live in an atap house.) We stayed there for around 2 hrs, and only got RM14. Disappointing. But I always make sure I take most advantage of any situation. I got RM14 + lots of Choc cookies + lots of candy + lots of CNY delicacies. >=)

Happy CNY, suckers!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Pictures Gallore

It's New Year's eve, we've finished with our steamboat and we were bored, soooooo... ...


Smiles painfully

'Not another picture?'


There, I've found a relatively-not-bad-looking picture of my brother - okay, fine - of us.

He's really not that bad looking, honestly. I don't know why he thinks he's ugly.

Saturday, January 24, 2009


Now this feels more like home.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Arghh!!! Benjamin!!! I hate you!!!
You've forgotten me!! I had to wait for my grandpa who drives at 40mph... And I was nearly late for tuition.
*mid finger* Hmph, this is for you. Pui!

Saturday, January 10, 2009


Seriously, babies are so abso-fucking-lutely cute!

Monday, January 5, 2009

First day of school

"Why do I have this feeling that today is not my day?"

Oh, yeah. First day of school. Definately not my day. Woke up and dressed up and mum drop me off to school. We falled-in in the prefects room. After a short brief, I went upstairs to where I'm supposed to be dutying. Cicak gave me a look that clearly stated she doesn't want me. BUT, she was actually being nice to me. That's a good start.

Went back to class(thanks CS for saving me a seat), then listen to the teacher babble, then it's time to choose moniters. They're having trouble finding one, and that gives me a grim satisfaction. >=) Congrats CS for being moniter! Don't worry, I'll help you. Hmm, form teacher not a person to cross; better do all her HW first. I decided I'd check out who's stuck in the same class with me, so I turned my head, and the first person I see is CL. Oh, great. HIM?! Out of all people? Have a nice year, JY.

Duty was a bore, but I got through just fine. I forgot to go ut of class early, so no breakfast for me. =( Was scolded by oyster, together with a couple of new prefects. *grimace* Back to class again.

Next up is chemistry. After this lesson, me and CS figured we can qualify to be top english teachers. "Clrass, my name is Pn. Lim Saw Ling" (ahaha, scratch breasts) "Now, does all of you understand engrish? Okay? Okay." "Please reef through the lules and strick them in your plactical books" "Don't just sit there and starling at me, you can laise your hand and ask me questions." Me and CS were trying so hard to refrain from laughing, our faces were red.

Halfway through BM, the highly-edued-fella ask all prefects to go down for a 'short' brief. I only returned to class an hour later, with my arms and legs aching. BC was tiring; the lady forced every inch of concentration out of me. (I have actually manage to get through the day ignoring CL, seeing that he's ignoring me as well. Surprisingly it's not that bad.)

Mum only came at 2:15, so I spend the hour trying not to fall asleep. Went to buy prefects full-u as they only gave me until friday to get it. Reached home (finally) at 4. After I freshten up, did 3 hours of study.

At 9:30, I ploped down on my bed, dead beat. Mum forgot to give me back my iPod, and I didn't dare ask for it, so, another night without music.

I made it through the first day just fine. So, what happens next?

P/S : Look on the bright side, there's Chemistry tomorrow. I'll try not to snigger that much.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

End of holidays

School is starting tomorrow, and I'm a prefect tomorrow. Suprisingly, I actually feel relieved to be going back to school. Going back to school means less time at home, less time facing my Dad. And there are these ready made reasons if I don't feel like going home. Projects, Folios, prefects meetings, extra classes... ... Now home doesn't feel like home anymore. I feel more tense and all that whenever I get home instead. At school at least I have friends. Owh, but wait. I'm a prefect now, and everyone hate prefects. Gotta love haters, eh?

My life is turning out great now.
So great.


I miss you; hurry up and come back.

Saturday, January 3, 2009


I have every reason to be emo now. I live near the sea, you know. You'd have think my parents would mind my feelings just a little bit more. I could walk straight into the sea and drown myself. Owh, but I forgot, that would just make you happy you have one less burden to take care of.

Owh, don't mind me.
I'm just being emo.

Friday, January 2, 2009


CS wrote about all her besties on her blog, including me. (I don't talk about sex that much okaay..) So I guess I'll write back about all my besties including her.

CS a.k.a Zhor Deng
Girl, how to describe you harr? Okay, you're freaking tall and skinny, and I'm jealous. I want your figure, but you can keep your breasts. Mwahahahahh!! Okay okay. I think you are a great friend, and I like you because you are honest about your feelings. You tell it like it is. And you're a great listener when I have rants. And you are VERY open, which means you talk about sex a lot. Sorry we're always teasing you, truth is you're a great friend.

RY a.k.a Colgate
I hate you because you're just too cute. You're just... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...too cute. Thanks for your teddy bear, but I hug ka nearly pengek ki laiw worr... ...

Joella(no nicknames here)
After 6 years of friendship and I still have to tell you how very special you are? But sometimes I wish you weren't always so busy. You're always in band when I want to talk to you. Buds forever!

Meng Chern
I MISS YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dude, come back often kay? Keep your promise.

There are so many people in my life to make it special. Some of you are like icing on a plain cake, if you get what I mean. And you guys have encourage me and motivate me and help me in the hardest of times. Without you guys my life would be boring. And although I don't mention most of you here... ...Erm, am I talking(or typing) too much? My bad, I should cut the crap.

There. 4 simple words says it all.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

When the clock strikes 12...

I went to the Queensbay countdown party yesterday. It wasn’t as great as I thought it would be. There was something wrong with the crowd. There are quite a lot of people, but they’re just sooo quiet. I went with my brother. Met with Jia Yi on the way; he’s living in Gold Coast. Later I met Wan Lyn too. I hope they accidentally met; there would be gossip to talk about then. Anyways, my brother told me the point of being in a crowd is to be anonymous, so we went our separate ways. I did meet a few friends, including one that sprayed aerosol all over my shirt. >.< Oooohh, and guess who I met? F5!! He was holding some other girl’s hand. He walked off in the opposite direction the minute he saw me. Heeheee, definitely have to tell RY. (Wonder who the unfortunate girl is?)

Like I said, the party wasn’t at all great. Bosco Wong made a special appearance; I have expected quite a lot of fans to turn up, but, surprise surprise. Anyways, the countdown started from 6, 5, 4, then another 4, then 3, 2, 1… … There weren't even shouting. Then fireworks blasted up above. It was… … Well, I’ve seen more impressive ones. All in all, the countdown party sucks.

Never mind the countdown party, I called him right before the countdown begin; he was getting ready to sleep (he sounds cute when he’s sleepy) . Mum’s gonna ask lots of questions when the phone bill arrives, but never mind, my needs have been fulfilled.

I walked home alone, and sneaked a cup of whiskey into my room. And I had my own tiny celebration. All by myself. I think I got drunk. Not as in really drunk, mind, I was still sober, but I was a bit messed up in da head. Want me to tell you what I did? Make me. (Grins in satisfaction).

Cheers, everyone.
Happy new year.

About Me

My photo
Penang, Malaysia
Malaysian in Melbourne. Suffering from homesickness, extreme bitchiness, and the chronic disease of procrastination. Wanderlust-er in a love-hate relationship with chocolate. A petite little piece of shit. Confidence fluctuates at the most horrendous timings. Living this thing called life and trying to get my thigh gap back.

