Sunday, August 29, 2010

你會不會忽然的出現 在街角的咖啡店
 我會帶著笑臉 揮手寒喧 和你 坐著聊聊天
 我多麼想和你見一面 看看你最近改變
 不再去說從前 只是寒喧 對你說一句
 只是說一句 好久不見

Shit shit shit. I have shit loads of imagination. OMG I can't do this. What am I doing? What am I thinking?! I need to forget everything unimportant and concentrate on trials. (Yes it means something to me)

Or. Or you can come back and end my everything. I dunno in what way, but I miss you.

I sound like Rose.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Ho. Ho. Physics is frogging killing me.


Sunday, August 22, 2010

Once in an apple pie, dad gets mad at work and we all get cast in the storm.
I had a lot to spill but now I'm just plain tired. I'm tired of all the bickering, tired of having to pick up the mess all the time, tired of hating, tired of trying, tired of being tired. I don't wanna feeling anything anymore. It ends here. *Fullstop.*

I don't get humans. I don't get people. I'm not a meanie. I status-ed that I didn't bother to tell these 2 guys that the library didn't open on Mondays and Tuesdays and people just have to shoot. People, mind, who are meaner than me, evil-er than me, more bully-ish than me. How does that fit in?! I don't even know those guys and I just happened to overheard what they were saying. I have never look them in the eye before, let alone talked. How can it not be awkward if I poke them in the back and start kaypo-ing? Yes. I know I am like Terry's mother in I Not Stupid, but come on, she has a point.

Dash dash. FYI I did not feel good last Friday. Ask me why.
Because you frogging ask me to do your English homework for you. Plain rudely. The homework reached my place before I even said yes. And I cannot reject you because I'm a nice person and you are very good at taking things for granted. AND you did not ask nicely. Yes ONE person asking me to do their homework for them can already piss me off. Let alone THREE.

Lemme explain. I copy homework too. But only for Sejarah where the situation is like your answer will be more or less the same whether you do it yourself or not. But for essay projects, please do your own frogging homework. And some more it's not like those homework where you just pass it up the very next day. You know the teacher is gonna discuss it in class, you know she'll notice if 2 people present the same work. PLUS. You want me to do your homework for you but you don't tell me beforehand. You gimme your uncompleted homework when the teacher has already stride into the class. NOT on. Or or or, you pass me the piece of homework you want me to do 2 minutes before it's your turn to present and you expect me to finish it for you in 2 minutes. How is that on?!

On a happier note. I won Scrabble. Twice. Against my brother. Who happens to be a school representative for Scrabble. Do I rawk or what. =)

PS: Perhaps people have noticed that I'm not updating as much as I should, as much as I can, and as much as I promised. I am sort of anticipating something and I pretty much don't feel anything anymore, temporarily. Until it comes my feelings go with it. Oh well, there must be something with him. And I don't even have a picture.

Dedicated to Em.i.l.y.
I don't know what else to say. I'm sorry about anything bad that's happened but it's not the end of the world. Think of all the people who loves you and would love you more than that hiao gang ever would. I love you to pieces. Tell me if you need anything. I can cross dress you know. And I'm sorry about Saturday.

Everything revolves around you again.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

I have been boiling inside for the whole morning. There have been angry tears but I hide them. I drown myself in self-wallow while playing 'Chasing Cars' inside my head. Thanks to mommy.

Not everything is my frogging fault. Stop throwing your menopausal tantrums at me all the time. I don't answer back not because I think you are right; I don't answer back because I know it will come out in a scream; I don't answer back because I want to avoid rows; I don't answer back because I know that even if I am right, I will end up the guilty one, and that I will end up apologizing.

I am BOILING. I shall not talk to her this whole day.

PS: I pointed my middle finger at someone's face for the first time in 1+years. He is make me beli. beli. beli. pissed off. I'm sorry JY's conscience, but he deserved it.

Ribbit ribbit ribbit.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

This time round I actually have things to update about but everyone else has been hogging the line so I didn't get my chance to blog. Be patient. I'll hog the line back. ;)
I'm feeling a bit dry. Everywhere.

Sun tanning didn't work as well.
But it feels great.

Monday, August 9, 2010

I have never really thought about it. My Mondays are actually really really hectic, even compared to other people's. My day starts at 5.55am with the alarm blaring until at least 10.30pm, not counting studying(which I normally last till 12+). Between school and my two tuitions (5.00-10.00pm), I have a 2 hours at home when I usually sleep away with. So my first two periods on Tuesdays are normally compelled with copying the previous day's homework, if there is any. I can't believe I noticed this when there are only at most 11 Mondays this hectic left. FML.


Sunday, August 8, 2010

(This is a hatred-filled post full of ramblings on hatred, hatred and hatred. Don’t read if you are in a good mood)

I don’t like attitudes. Don’t show it to me. I like personality, but showing THE attitude is a whole different story.

FYI: Attitude ≠ Personality.

I don’t care how close you are to me – in fact the closer you are to me the more you should know not to show me THE attitude. Being emo once in a while is totally OK. Even men have pre-menstrual syndrome sometimes, I totally get it. But me being uber nice to you, is not something for you to take for granted. I mean which type of pathetic loser asks for sympathy?! Who the hell you think you are? If you’re down I can back you up, cheer you up, console you, hug you, listen to all your ramblings. But when you tell me zero stuff, don’t expect me to know what to say lah! I can lay off a bit, but don’t go cold on me when I dunno what to do to get you up again! Sometimes people say there’s nothing wrong, but even Captain Utter-most Unobvious can see you’re being emo. And when I ask you say I am not being emo I am fine There is nothing wrong No keep on talking I am OK, so when I decide not to be so sensitive and just go on like usual, you show me THE attitude! I mean, WHAT?! So not on! And everyone is doing it! Even my mum(ho.ho.surprize ). Stupid stupid stupid stupid peoples. I hate the world I hate everyone in it I hate everything that has got to do with it!

What is it with people these days?!

*grumble grumble grumble…



Saturday, August 7, 2010

I have been updating less frequently cuz my mum is back in the my-daughter-has-web-addict-mania. Also, I have way too little time to spare. Not counting school and sleep, I spend the rest of my time studying, eating, phone-dating, eating, studying, eating, occasionally checking updates on comp, eating, eating, eating, eating... Sighs, I think I'm supposed to feel guilty eating so much, but I still put off visits to the gym! Urrrg. Must. Refrain. From. Eating. Gai nia me. It's like I cannot stop my food intake. They all taste so nice!

If only I can tell myself to stop thinking all the time. Don't get me wrong. I am perfectly fine and un-emo now, but I dunno for how long my awesome super high mood will last. It's like now I'm not thinking that much I am actually having fun doing everything. I don't care anymore that we're so not super close. I don't care that I don't have a love live I can boast in public. I don't care that my grades barely scrape my parents expectations(ok i do care a little bit but not cuz of my parents). Damn all of them. I don't care that my tummy is getting more noticeable by the day. Ok fine I do care a little bit. Fine, a bit more than a little bit.

The thing is, when you don't think more than you're suppose to think, life gets all better. Or maybe I've just been talking with Kuga too much. ;)

Taa my munchies.
Err, I meant my babies.

About Me

My photo
Penang, Malaysia
Malaysian in Melbourne. Suffering from homesickness, extreme bitchiness, and the chronic disease of procrastination. Wanderlust-er in a love-hate relationship with chocolate. A petite little piece of shit. Confidence fluctuates at the most horrendous timings. Living this thing called life and trying to get my thigh gap back.

