During 5 years of high school I... :
1. ...have been hated. I hear you say everyone has haters whaaaat. Haha, but not everyone has a classful of haters. Form1 and form2 I was a dickhead, an ass, and an I-know-everything-and-u-don't monitor. Hahaha thankfully I'm not like that now. (pause) Right?
2. ...ran like the wind. I was in the school Olahraga team for 2 years. Gosh I loved that feeling, it was like you can't really think of anything else if you're really running, except the 'thump thump thump' but then again sometimes you can't really tell whether thats your heart or your legs. I loved it also because there was, ahem, something worth the hours under the blazing sun. That memory will never ever ever be forgotten. But, ehh, that's another story. The good is that I loved it. The bad is that I mixed in the wrong crowd, skipped tons of lessons, spend more time on the field than on homework, and became so tanned that I could pass as a fair Indian. Gawd I looked hideous.

3. ...fell in and out of love. Naive me, being fooled around by a guy like this. Well it was nice while it lasted, but I've grown up now. Heh, funny now the only reminder of him is this Titanic DVD picture; I gave it to him for his birthday. Nvm that's an inside story.
4. ...been on stage emcee-ing every concert. Nothing to say on this one. They were fond memories, but stressful and very dark-eye-circle inducing. But really, I've been backstage/on stage more than I've been in the audience.

5. ...experienced no sleep for 30 hours at times. (ok unless you count like 10 minutes-ish in class) Sometimes it was Co-curricular practice, sometimes I prepare for upcoming competitions, sometimes homework or projects due the next day, sometimes it was exams, once it was talking on the phone the whole night with the ex. but these last 2 year it has always been school work or exams. As I grew older I began to learn that there are other things more important in life than that one guy that made your heart flutter. But i digress.
6. ...met a bunch of awesome(!) friends. Well, not so much in form 1 & 2(refer back to no.1). Once I changed my attitude a bit, socialize a bit more, I got myself these awesome awesome awesome(with exclamation mark!)people that accompanied me through ups and downs. Thank you all. Ily. (1st pict the classies 2nd pict the darlings)

7. ...became a prefect. And definitely not voluntarily I tell you. I did everything NOT to become a prefect, didn't work. So I changed my perspective and it turned out not that bad. I figured out who my real friends are and who are the fakers; you see everyone in HEHS hate prefects, except prefects themselves. The first day I wore my prefect uniform to school, some people stopped talking to me completely. The first week was disaster man. (you know if the skirts were shorter I wouldn't mind that much; at least I'll have nicer uniform than other people)

8. ...got into serious disciplinary trouble, ONCE. Aww, I'm such a goodie good girl. That one time I wore white sport shoes as school shoes to school; tried to worm my way out saying I thought they were allowed. Haha the discipline teacher got even madder and I got into even more trouble. Which is why it was serious. But the first 3 years of high school I have been written in the disciplinary file at least 5 times every year, no misses. Last 2 years: zero times. *pats myself on the back*
And those are the 8 things I have done in high school. Wanted to make it 10, but can't think of anything else at the moment. I doubt very much I'll be returning to HEHS for form6, so today I'ma say all my goodbyes to the school later. Cliche and cheesy as it sound, I'll miss ya, Heng Ee.
Wish me luck for BC!
Wish me luck for BC!
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