Saturday, May 4, 2013

I have come to the conclusion that the more stuff you have to do the more you will feel like blogging. I mean, I really have to get this essay done by tomorrow! And I suspect I won't be in the mood to write essays when I'll be jumping up and down waiting for the election results. Hmmm. Well it's more fun writing about all this bullshit than writing about how social networks constrain/enable social action anyway. Cough!-*excuses*-Cough!

For the past 3 days I have been waking up at 6 in the morning, so very on time! without an alarm. It's just weird, because I know my biological alarm is not set for that time. (for the record it's usually 3am-11am, I know I know, very unhealthy). In a way it's good I guess. I feel like I have more time during the day. And also, I used to be able to drink coffee and not have the side effects! For some weird reason my body just decides to start processing caffeine really reeeeeaally slowly, which is not cool at all. I'd drink coffee at noon and not be able to fall asleep till 4am. Not cool. Settled with tea for now, when I need a boost. At least until my body decides to stop pouting and process caffeine normally again.

On a completely random note, my Lip shimmer is here! I bought a Burts Bee Lip Shimmer (Cherry) from eBay, and I love love love love it! The colour is not too strong, it just makes me look like I have a very healthy lip colour, and most of the time people won't even know I have lip colour on! It's not that moisturising; I think it just retains the moisture instead of giving my lips extra moisture, but it doesn't bug me. I have tons unfinished lip balms anyway. And I like that it has the minty menthol feel! Read the reviews and saw that some people hated it, but I really love it! It's like caffeine for my lips, it kinds of 'wake' my lips up. (okay, completely weird statement)

While we're at it, here is a picture of a really delicious teriyaki chicken I made so you can drool and your drool will moisten your lips. HAHAHAHA. I am the ultimate master chef. *proud*
(I know, completely irrelevant. I just wanted to show off.)

K, signing off now. Back to writing my dreaded essay grrrr. Bye! :)

Friday, May 3, 2013

I tried a new brand of coffee, which for some reason seems to be 9293856243134 times stronger than normal coffee, and I have not slept a wink the whole night. So I've basically been scrolling through Facebook  with my phone the whole night (that is a LOT of scrolling), but truthfully it's not so much of 'Facebook' scrolling than 'election news' scrolling.

As of now, the 13th general election is 2 days away, and my news feed is 95% election news. Things are getting interesting, with the competition of both parties so strong and the contest so closely-fought. Let me first clarify, I am all for a Two-party system. I believe it is better to have a choice between who we think will be able to lead our country best. But I do have an opinion, of exactly who I think can run our country best.

So moving forward. From various social networking sites it is clear that the younger generation (myself included) prefer Pakatan Rakyat coalition, and for good reason. LOL I have nearly never seen my generation so united in opinion before. The people demand for change, and I was confident that change will happen. However, after a long night of 'election news' scrolling I am suddenly robbed of the confidence that Malaysia will finally have that change. BN seems to be doing whatever it takes to win over voters, and by saying 'whatever it takes' I mean the filthiest, lowly, and the cheapest 'whatever' you can think of. My mother called me yesterday and told me that after living for 50 years and witnessing 11 elections she has never ever seen a politician holding a fat wad of 100 Ringgit bills and giving them out to the people, for the sake of pulling votes. It makes one think: where does the money come from?! And also, if someone can just hold such a fat wad of bills and just stand in a coffee shop and distribution them to the people, how many of them went into his pockets first? Seriously. Just giving out money?! Like literally? There wasn't even a name list or anything, people were just crowding around him with their palms open. What the fudge is happening to our country?!

There were also evidence of BN flying in hundreds of thousands of foreigners (mostly Bangladeshis) all wearing sporting BN goodies, and were given identity cards for voting purposes. OH COME ON. The leaked emails directed that the Prime Minister's Office is ferrying foreign workers into various states to vote for BN. When accused and pressure for explanations, BN said this. WHAT THE FUDGE. This is as much your country as it is my country! Are you really going to rest the fate of our country in the hands of foreign workers?! Dirty tactics and slandering aside, this has gone overboard. In mad desperation to bag this election you let in so many non-Malaysians, people who don't care about our country, people who by right have no rights! in voting for MY country! Yes you might win, but at what expense? At whose expense?! What is going to happen after you win (IF you win), are you going to spend the next five years solving this problem that you created in the first place? I am face-palming so much that my palms will soon be permanently stuck to my forehead.

Then I see this video:
Facepalm level: facepalm

I am not, and has never been, a politics-maniac. Half the time I don't know what's going on politically, and I don't know half the politicians in Malaysia. There was a time, I had truly thought that our government is great, and that Malaysia is the best country ever. There was a time, when I thought we had clever and good people leading my country. There was a time when I read about all the Prime Ministers with awe, thinking that these are great men, thinking that they were my heroes. There was a time... ...*in Anne Hathaway voice*... ...then it all went wrong... ... LOL I digress. I had been quite neutral about politics; until these few years. A part of growing up, (except having boobs) is to be able to understand and have opinions about abstract concepts like liberty and freedom. Instead Malaysia introduced me to 'Corruption' and 'Tyranny' and 'Racial Injustice'. I came to understand the term 'Money Politics', and how it favours a very small group of ethnic Malays. I came to understand how my parent's tax money went into certain people's pockets; how, to become a nation's female role model, you need not have high morale and ethics, but to have the same expensive handbags in 9 different colours. I came to the cruel realization that the leaders of this country have not the best interest of the people, but the best interest of themselves. And that was when it hit me, we need the change. I do not know whether after the opposition takes central governing power they will descend to the level of these pigs running my country, but at least for now, I cannot bear the thought of these people running ruining my country for another day. We need this change, and we need it fast.

I am a 20 year-old overseas student, I am not eligible to vote yet; but I am doing what I can to save my beloved country. Malaysia has so much potential and so much to offer; we just need to let the world see it. And right now, I believe in a better future. (my gawd I sound like an advertisement -.-)

Right. Off to breakfast and then that dreaded socio essay. I hope that 2 breakfasts later we will all become YBs - Yang Bebas. Good luck Malaysia! :)

*signing off*

Monday, April 15, 2013

Wow. Back to Blogger? Hah! Don't count on it too much. Every time I say I am back to blogging for good, I always end up forcing myself to write a few feeble post then I sink back to hibernation again. Sigh.

I wanted to just start over clean, have a nice and neat new blog (this was really messed up before), so I  kind of started a new blog. But I wanted the old posts and everything! So I finally took time out to sort my blog out and make it at least presentable. The old template was vomit-inducing. Bleh.

So, nothing's new. I'm still in Melbourne, I'm still doing psych, I'm still breathing and well. (If you count being stressed like crazy 'well') Got 3 essays 1 workbook and 2 tests this month, and I'm generally in a slightly-under-neutral mood, so excuse my blunt sentences.

Oh well. At least there's bacon. :)

About Me

My photo
Penang, Malaysia
Malaysian in Melbourne. Suffering from homesickness, extreme bitchiness, and the chronic disease of procrastination. Wanderlust-er in a love-hate relationship with chocolate. A petite little piece of shit. Confidence fluctuates at the most horrendous timings. Living this thing called life and trying to get my thigh gap back.

