Friday, May 29, 2009

What the FUCK.
(Notice I'm actually using the real word. Which means I'm seriously pissed off.)
I'm supposed to be in Dewan Sri now.
Watching a world-Class drama.
By korean breakdancers.
Eadid said he could get half-prized tickets.
But somehow, dear old mum fucked the whole thing up.
Don't remind me.
Exams are over!!!
I mean actually over.
Starting this year I didnt really like fridays.
Especially the fridays when exams end.
All my friends will be hanging out in malls and whatever
But mua still have to go for marching until 4pm.
Today is the worst.
Coz JiaWei wants a called for a meeting until 5pm.
*swear words here.*
F lah him.
He still acts like he's so hebat.
Acting like he's doing all his jobs well.
Acting like all of us have wronged him.
By the time I'm home it's already 5.30pm
And I have to leave for tuition at 7pm.

Fridays are so... ... ... tiring.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Had a Mother's Day celebration on May the 10th. Sorry for the late update. Let da pictures talk.

Group Pic #1

Group Pic #2

Group Pic #3

And just so you guys don't forget how pretty I am...

PS: Love the bracelet.

What an effing day.
It was effing good and also effing bad.
I'll explain.

Why today is a effing good day:
  • It wasn't hot today. -I've been sweating a lot recently. Of course, it may be due to me listening to too many jokes. I've been waking up in sweat for 2 days running. Too damn hot. I gotta do something against global warming 1 day. (The air-cond is on while I'm typing this.)
  • A lot of people is making an effort to make me laugh. -Hmm. Maybe I'm looking too emo. I was teased, but in a good way. People are so cute.
  • I'm too damn 'yeng' today. -It's civics exam today. (Don't ask me why. I don't even know why we fecking take the subject.) Anyways, it was a 1 hour exam. I finished in 15 mins, slept for 45 mins, woke up, and passed up my paper. I'm too damn yeng. (PS: RY, yeng-ness doesn't show in pictures. It shows in actions. XP)
  • Planned a trip with CS. -We're planning to go to the beach, then eat, and then take a stroll down Upper Penang Road. And the best part is that RY said maybe she can make it.
  • Had an enjoyable conversation with Saggy. -=) You guys don't need to know. Bottom line: I hate people who is good in Physics and Chemistry.

Why today is a effing bad day.
  • The condo upstairs is renovating. -It's so damn noisy! I can't sleep, I can't watch TV, I can't talk, I can't hear people talking, and I can't even read in peace. Yes, thank goodness I have my iPod. But I can only listen to rock, heavy metal, noisy music. I don't fancy Bach with background bass. I'm feeling so frustrated, all the time.
  • I can't sleep!! Again!! -I'm used to having a nap now. But my sleep timetable has turned upside-down due to exams. Now, I get very sleepy in the mornings, at around 8-9am. Very, very tired in the afternoons. Drifting around in the evenings. And at night, my eyes get very tired but I just can't fall asleep! The best sleeping time is at 8-10am in school. Hopefully there's an easy subject going on so I can doze off quickly. XP
  • He didn't message me today. -Nothing to say here.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Newest update! (At presisely 7.53pm)
As I said, exams are officially over for me.
So i watched a bit of Chick VS. Dick.
It was an old episode.
'The Impersonating Challenge'
Micheal Jackson.
Chun Li from Street Fighter.
etc. ect. etc.

Then, when I was at a part where Kay Kay was asked to
impersonate the long haired ghost that scares people by
climbing out of televisions, I was like:


And I closed the whole goddamn window.
I know, I know, I'm so softcore right.
Ask me what time I slept yesterday.
Now ask me what time I woke up today.
Ask me how many cups of coffe I had yesterday night.
Now ask me how many I had this morning.

That's what I've been asking everyone I see today.
Hey! Don't blame me!
I'm so cracked up on caffaine.
Ding! Ding! Ding!
CS got all da answers correct!!!

I so don't care waht other people say.
Exams are officially over for me.
(Smile here.)
(BIG smile here.)

I'm starting all over again.
Why do I always fall into your heart?

Monday, May 25, 2009

Remember the post in which I said: I effing hate exams.
Remember that?
Yea, well, I'ma post another similar one.


Friday, May 22, 2009

I just effing cut him outta my life.
And i'm not feeling guilty.

Seriously, you don't deserve me.
Feck out of my life and never come back.
You're not even brave enough.
Fecking coward.
Am effing pissed off about you.

Nah, little pinky*
Pinky is da new middle.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

(Exams are here. Sobs*)

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

He is SO emo these days!
I'm starting to get a little annoyed.
And the worst thing is,
When he's emo, he expects me to cheer him up.
What are you, The Royal Highness?
The thing is, (*Drum rolls)
I'm happy coz Heng Ee beat Han Chiang is the drama comp!!!
And these few days I just can't help smiling!
We won!!!

Happy people and emo-ish peopple don't mix.
When I'm feeling all happy and high,
He'll send me an emo message.
And that'll either bring me down to planet earth,
Or sometimes I'll just ignore him and continue being happy.
That will result in him sending an even more emo message.

Seriously. Happy people and emo-ish peopple don't mix.
It's like mixing meat in salads.
You know in some restaurants they have chicken salads.
I just don't geddit.
You eat salads because salads are low in fat and calories.
But it still fills up your somach.
So why the heck put chicken in it?!
The whole point of salads is that...
There's no meat in it!!!
(which means there're no fat in it)
I know they probably put lean meat in salads.
But, lean meat is still meat!!

That's why happy people and emo people don't mix.
Just like salads and chicken don't mix.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

WE WON!!!!!
WE WON!!!!!
WE WON!!!!!

And the best thing is,

Hmm, I'm still a little bit fed-up we hadn't got the best-lighting effects prize.
But I'm still HAPPY!!!
Coz we WON!!!
We won!!
We won!!
Sheez. I'm on a high.

Drama rocks like hell.

About Me

My photo
Penang, Malaysia
Malaysian in Melbourne. Suffering from homesickness, extreme bitchiness, and the chronic disease of procrastination. Wanderlust-er in a love-hate relationship with chocolate. A petite little piece of shit. Confidence fluctuates at the most horrendous timings. Living this thing called life and trying to get my thigh gap back.

