Saturday, October 2, 2010

I just realized.

It's Octobies month!
(my invention: October+babies=Octobies)

Anyways, my eyes hurts for no reason. And I didn't get to go out today. I didn't get to watch 'Devil', I didn't get to sleep, the BM seminar was a bore, I 'lost' daddy's company's phone receipt, I woke up at 6am (6am!) because of my freaking biological alarm. All in all, not a very good day.

BUT I did watched 'When Harry Met Sally...' I was smiling stupidly, like a dopey, at the end of the movie. I can't believe Star's Movies column classified it as a break-up movie. It's like a not-so-typical but the sweetest romance ever! And the sex talk was actually funny, not the awkward type where you're afraid your parents will burst into your room halfway. The legendary 'fake orgasm' scene was actually just OK, but maybe it was because I already heard about it and I had a certain level of anticipation, so. But 'I'll have what she's having' is still ROFL. ;D

And Billy Crystal in the movie like that, but in the end you sorta think him an Orlando Bloom too. I can't believe how young Meg Ryan looks in the movie! But then again it's been 22 years. (movie came out in 1989) But still, she's like super gorgeous in the movie. Her eyes; and that face shape that made me look down in shame. :(

OK my eyes really hurt now.

p/s: I'm meeting Jiayi for that muhibah dinner at our place later. Shit it'll be bloody awkward. I dont know him that well. Oh well, I will tonight.

harry harry harry harry
awwwww. *melts

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice review!
When Harry Met Sally is one of my favourite films and Meg Ryan is amazing in it.
I'll drop by your blog again soon.

About Me

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Penang, Malaysia
Malaysian in Melbourne. Suffering from homesickness, extreme bitchiness, and the chronic disease of procrastination. Wanderlust-er in a love-hate relationship with chocolate. A petite little piece of shit. Confidence fluctuates at the most horrendous timings. Living this thing called life and trying to get my thigh gap back.

