Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Newest update! (At presisely 7.53pm)
As I said, exams are officially over for me.
So i watched a bit of Chick VS. Dick.
It was an old episode.
'The Impersonating Challenge'
Micheal Jackson.
Chun Li from Street Fighter.
etc. ect. etc.

Then, when I was at a part where Kay Kay was asked to
impersonate the long haired ghost that scares people by
climbing out of televisions, I was like:


And I closed the whole goddamn window.
I know, I know, I'm so softcore right.


r u o y u n said...

HAHAHAHHA!!! you... you... LOL

helplessly free wanderer said...

I know.*Sighs.
Stop laughing.

About Me

My photo
Penang, Malaysia
Malaysian in Melbourne. Suffering from homesickness, extreme bitchiness, and the chronic disease of procrastination. Wanderlust-er in a love-hate relationship with chocolate. A petite little piece of shit. Confidence fluctuates at the most horrendous timings. Living this thing called life and trying to get my thigh gap back.

