Sunday, July 11, 2010

I'm gonna have a lot of free time coming up, as in the next 2 or 3 days. (In case you're wondering, I got 2 days of MC)But I don't think I'ma update that much. I'm really really sick. I feel light headed, dizzy, and I feel like I'ma faint. If I stand long enough I see black. I mean I can still feel and I know that I'm conscious, but it feels like I'm gonna faint soon. The doctor was trying to talk me into an injection. Fat Chance. Gonna re-read The Time Traveller's Wife in meantime. Mum's not gonna be happy. She thinks if I'm healthy enough to read novels I should be studying. But, but, but... Studying makes me even more sick! No fair! I'm feeling like I'm over-using my brain even to type such a short post, so Ciao! everyone, I'ma take my meds(5 pills and 10ml of coughing syrup a day, can you believe that?!) and head to bed. Again. Wey! Don't gimme that look. I slept at 2++ am yesterday okay?! (I couldn't sleep, was too hot. O wait, of cuz I am.)

Try not to miss me. Be patient.

Black stockings are like, so HAWT.

No injections if I can help it.

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About Me

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Penang, Malaysia
Malaysian in Melbourne. Suffering from homesickness, extreme bitchiness, and the chronic disease of procrastination. Wanderlust-er in a love-hate relationship with chocolate. A petite little piece of shit. Confidence fluctuates at the most horrendous timings. Living this thing called life and trying to get my thigh gap back.

